
Monday, December 31, 2012

Time To "Ring" It In....

Its THAT time of year again. Time to start fresh, make changes....

Usually, on New Year's Eve, I come up with a few "Resolutions".  As I started to do that this morning (in haste, as usual) I stopped to think about the changes I was considering. I then realized that my resolutions had more to do with others, than they did myself. 

After reflecting on the past year, I realized maybe my resolution SHOULD have a little more to do with me.  Several things happened this year that led my thinking in this direction.

Early in 2012 I was diagnosed with Lupus(SLE). The diagnosis wasn't a huge surprise, as I had been noticing signs of it for some time and I know its very common to develop Lupus when you have Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, it adds a whole new set of doctor appointments, some new symptoms, more bloodwork, and more to worry about in general.

During the summer of 2012, I found out I needed surgery on my right elbow to repair some damage caused by RA. After finding out, I decided to close my Etsy shop(Shelby's Enchanted Bowtique) so I could start preparing for surgery. I had a partial elbow replacement in September, 2012(yes, at age 33 the joint replacements have already begun). Here is a picture of my new elbow:

The day after my surgery, my English Bulldog, Bubba, passed away suddenly(he was 7 years old). Those who know me well know how much I loved him. He was like a child to me.

One week later, my cousin's 18 year old son died in a horrible car accident. Over the last few months several members of my family have been diagnosed with cancer as well.

Taking all of this into consideration, I realize now how much I need to cherish every moment of every day. I need to cherish my children who are growing up way too fast! I need to take better care of MYSELF and my health(and not feel guilty about it). And I only need to worry about those people who are supportive of all these things.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope it wasn't too depressing;) What are your plans/goals for the New Year??

Stay tuned...I will start a new blogging "schedule" next week. Hopefully that will get me "here" more often:)

Best Wishes! 




  1. Lots of us care about you, Kelly - and we look forward to 2013 and the GOOD things that have to be coming your way. You are wise to enjoy every moment of every day, even the annoyances - and that is HARD to do sometimes. Love you, friend.

  2. Girl, These things all come in cycles, as you will learn. Medical issues, deaths, etc...then everything settles down, usually for quite a bit of time, then boom, there you are again.
    This life we have, it's a gift. It's something to be thankful for every day. The little things, that's what really counts.

  3. I sure admire you Kelly!! ♥ You are one of the good ones!! I have grown to ♥ you my friend!

  4. 2012 was a difficult year for a lot of us! Take care, Kelly, and I'm sure the new year is going to be better <3

  5. You are a strong person! Keeping yourself first in never's healthy. As, I say this I'm thinking easier said!
